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Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas and happy holiday season. The past weeks have been busy here on the farm. The growing season is in dormancy right now. However, the cleanup is ongoing.....🙄 


Last week was the hard push to winterize. In preparation for the "polar plunge" that shook a good portion of the country, we did our best to get everything ready. I heavily mulched several of the trees hoping to insulate their roots.  Last winter we lost a couple of fruit trees as well a couple of other plants when the temps stayed at -5 for two days. Fortunately it is not that extreme this week, but it's close enough! We also worked hard trying to winterize the chicken run. It definitely helped, but the poor chickens aren't very happy this week! 🐓😡 Keeping their water from freezing too quickly is always a challenge. 


In the days and weeks ahead I will be doing more inside things such as jam making and spring/winter cleaning. I will be sure to keep you updated on farm happenings. Until then, try to stay warm! 

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