These days it seems like we meet ourselves going and coming. I'm trying desperately to finish spring and early summer planting. A few weeks ago I started several seedlings which are all doing quite well. The starter seeds I began in the trays will be ready to go into the ground in the coming weeks. Now it's time to start the second round of plants. Along with the vegetables I'm trying to get in, we have been planting more trees.....lots of trees. (almost 200 of them)
We have designated wooded areas on the property. The problem is, many of the trees are Locust trees and their lifespan is not as long as some of the hard wood's that we are planting. Locust trees also have a tendency to break and fall when strong winds come. The hope is that eventually the oaks, maples, pines, and tulip poplars that are going in will one day grow tall and strong while providing both shade and color during the changing seasons.
A wonderful treat during the spring season is harvesting asparagus. Asparagus is one of those plants that takes time and patience. We planted asparagus crowns in 3 different areas a few years ago. When you plant Asparagus you need to plan on NOT eating any until the 3rd year. 🙄 That can be really aggravating for a lot of people. However, the pay off is incredible! One planting of asparagus will continue to produce for up to 20 years. So, if you have the patience to wait and not cut it before it's time, I highly recommend trying it for yourself. The ones pictured are Jersey Giants and Purple Passion. They taste very similar however, Purple Passion is definitely the sweeter of the two. It actually contains 20% percent more sugar than the green asparagus. We enjoy them drizzled with olive oil, salt, pepper, and a touch of garlic and then baked in the oven for about 20 minutes. It's super easy and very tasty. Give it a try!