It's strawberry season again! Hooray! This is actually one of our favorite times of year. We have a good friend that tasted a freshly picked berry. She exclaimed, "This tastes like sunshine." 😋 I have to agree. It is impossible to beat the flavor of farm fresh strawberries that have ripened on the vine. They are incredible! I'll admit that when they all start ripening it can be quite the challenge keeping up with getting them all picked. Morgan Elizabeth does her best to help. She has decided she REALLY likes strawberries! 😂😋 I've caught her more than once stealing one from the berry patch. 😄
The farm is really popping this time of year. Between berry picking, canning, and planting new vegetables and trees, my days start to run together. This past week I was blessed to be able to spend time with my Mom. We spent Mother's Day week together. She was kind enough to help me pick a few strawberries. ( every mother is working mother!) 😉 Next week I'll post another strawberry pie recipe. Until then, I hope all of are enjoying a wonderful spring season. Happy growing!