Are you doing your best to burn off all the calories you ingested from eating too much Halloween candy? I certainly am! This time of year it gets more difficult to control those temptations as the holidays quickly approach.
What an incredible temperature change we've experienced these past few days! A few days ago I busied myself harvesting and collecting as many vegetables and berries as possible knowing the hard frost and freeze that was about to happen would finish them off. As I picked the last of the blackberries and raspberries, I couldn't help but feel a little bit of sadness knowing their season was coming to an end. That being said, I wouldn't trade the 4 seasons that we enjoy for anything in the world. Each season brings its own uniqueness and beauty.
In the coming days I will be putting up and preserving a lot of food to enjoy during the winter months. As I begin canning in the coming weeks, I will share some pictures and a few recipes should any of you be interested in trying them for yourselves. Until then, I hope you're getting out and enjoying this beautiful fall weather. It's definitely worth your time!
